Can You Put Carpet Tiles On Uneven Areas?

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Living with uneven floors can be a problematic situation. You can’t deal longer with these situations. Sooner or later you have to encounter these issues. Flooring being the essential element of any place should be solid, sturdy, and plain in order to minimize multiple issues. You can see professional services from to get out of this problem. 

Carpet tiles are becoming the most effective and attractive flooring option, but can you put carpet tiles on uneven areas? Well, to answer, get straighter with the answer I would say no, you can’t. This is due to the fact that uneven subfloor will make your floor go through uneven weight. This way your floor will only experience intense wear & tear. 

So, before you opt for installing carpet tiles or any floor you must consider examining your subfloor. It has to be optimized to withstand the original look of the floor and prevent it from any kind of damage. In this article, I’ll explain in detail whether you can put carpet tiles on uneven floors or not, damages you may encounter due to uneven flooring, and how you can minimize this issue.

Can You Install Carpet tiles on Uneven Floor?

As I have said above it is not possible to install carpet tiles on uneven floors. The perfect look of carpet tiles floor you must consider installing on a perfectly flat surface. Installing tiles on the uneven floor may lead your way to some problems that include:

  • If the carpet tiles are installed on an even floor then it may form a bunch over it and looks ugly. 
  • The overall weight distribution of carpet over the floor can cause wear and tear. 
  • It’ll ruin the overall interior decor of your home, your furnishing may not look balanced on an uneven carpeted floor. 

To encounter these problems, there are some quick fixes but they are just temporary. You can enjoy these fixes for the long term. So, if you want to completely get rid of this issue, you should be aware of the reliable and permanent solution that’ll keep you away from all these problematic situations. I’ll list down some permanent solutions. Have a look!

Carpet Tiles On Uneven Areas

How To Level An Uneven Floor For Carpet?

If you want to level up your uneven floor for carpeting there are several methods that you can follow to do so. But each of the methods will considerably be chosen according to the degree of unevenness of your floor. So let’s check out the methods.

1. Use Plywood For Leveling The Floor

Using plywood for leveling up the floor is the best way to go. Many people have considered using this method for centuries. Plywood is available in varying thicknesses to meet the level of height needed for a smoother floor. This would be the perfect thing to use for leveling the floor for longer use. To use plywood as your floor leveling material you have to follow the steps.

  • Find and use the perfect pieces of wood and nails to fix those pieces.
  • Put these wood pieces in the holes and fill them all over with sand. After filling it, nail it perfectly into the subfloor. If you have a concrete subfloor you can use bolts to fix the wood pieces. This way you can create a long-lasting even & Smoother floor for installing carpet tiles.

2. Use Self-Leveling Compounds For Leveling The Floor

If the floor is in the worst condition that it can not be filled with even plywood then using self-leveling compounds is the best GO-TO option. Outdoor Upholstery, is offering high-end professional services to encounter these issues with reliable techniques. These compounds are a type of concrete material that requires a bit of water to activate and use.

You can also mix these compounds with paints and dyes to entirely transform your floor and make it more attractive. To use the self-leveling compound, you have to follow these simple steps.

  • Take the material out of the large bags, you can see the powdered material.
  • Mix that material with a sufficient amount of water and make a thick paste of it. 
  • Apply the paste to your overall subfloor and level it as per your requirements.
  • Note That you can use these compounds for wooden or concrete subfloors.

Carpet Tiles On Uneven Areas

3. Use Grinding, Sanding, and Chipping Method For Levelling The Floor

For minor variations in floor level, you can opt for using this simple method. This method includes grinding away the extra floor but you need major expertise to do so otherwise you may damage your subfloor more. Another method is shimming that includes using wedge-shaped wooden pieces. You can fill your floor with these wooden pieces and apply sand over it to level the floor. 

4. Use Underlay For Leveling The Floor

On the off chance, if you encounter a mild case of uneven flooring then this would be a great way to level it up. In this method, you just have to spread an underlay under the surface flooring that’ll act as the subfloor for your basic flooring. This method is used in extreme cases if you can’t level up your floor in any other way. 


These are some methods to level the uneven subfloor for carpet tiles. If you want to install carpet tiles on uneven areas. It can be a DIY project if you have some experience but if you are not experienced then you can opt for getting professional services from Greengrass. ae. You can get accurate and reliable services from them. Get in touch!

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